The EU project “Mindchangers: Regions and youth for Planet and People” launches the Second Round of subgranting opportunity for Civil Society Organisations of Dolj County, Romania, to engage young citizens on sustainable development, migration and climate change
“Mindchangers: Regions and youth for Planet and People” (CSO-LA/2020/415-010) is a consortium-based European project led by Regione Piemonte (Italy). The Consortium gathers six european partners: the Consortium of Piedmont Ngos (COP), University of Craiova, Region Baden-Württemberg and SEZ (Germany), Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgium), Region La Rioja and CONGDCAR (Spain), RESACOOP (France).
It is financed by the European Commission within the call EuropeAid/160048/DH/ACT/Multi “Raising public awareness of development issues and promoting development education in European Union (DEAR) – Lot 3: Focussed and strategic pan-European campaigns on targeted priorities bringing EU Development policy and EU answers to global challenges closer to citizens led by a Local Authority or Association of LAs, from all EU member states”.
The overall objective of this EU project is to strengthen EU young citizens’ engagement and increase general public’s awareness towards 2030 Agenda and the European Consensus in 6 EU countries. It will be pursued through communication actions and capacity building of small and medium Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Local Authorities (LAs).
Subgranting is the project core activity whose aim is to fund CSOs’ projects willing to engage youth on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and in particular on two focus areas: Climate Change and Migration.
Two Calls for Proposals are launched in each of the 6 EU Regions involved (Piemonte-IT, Baden-Württemberg-DE, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles-BE, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes-FR, La Rioja-ES, Dolj-RO).
This second implementation period (Round 2) will take place from 1st November 2022 to 31st December 2023.
The present Call is launched by the Consortium of Piedmont Ngos in collaboration with the University of Craiova, and it is open to Civil Society Organisations based in the Dolj County, Romania.
The deadline for submitting application files is 16th September 2022.
The text below is a summary of the call. If you wish to apply, please consult all the documents.
Objectives of the call
This call will fund projects aimed at youth engagement on SDGs and in particular on two focus areas: Climate Change and Migration.
These projects will have to actively engage young citizens (between 15 and 35 years old) in the Dolj County and outside of the formal school system.
Who can apply?
Civil Society Organizations based in the Dolj County.
Two or more organizations can join together to submit the same project; in this case, an organization has to be appointed as lead applicant, the others are considered as co-applicants.
Lead applicants and co-applicants must:
- be officially existing as a legal person and
- be non-profit-making and
- be established or based (headquarters or decentralised office) in Dolj County, Romania and
- have existed since at least 2 years and
- be small or medium-sized organisations (less than EUR 2 million yearly turn over in the last two years) and
- have at least 30 members/supporters/volunteers in the region to ensure popular anchorage and
- be working on sectors related to international cooperation and/or global citizenship education, to be demonstrated by their statutes and
- demonstrate to have carried out activities in the field of development awareness raising/campaigning/communication/global learning for at least the last 2 years and
- not have had EU DEAR funding as lead applicant, co-applicant, sub-contractor or third party (having used subgranting) in the frame of the current DEAR call (EuropeAid/160048/DH/ACT/Multi).
Involvement of Local Authorities in the proposed projects should be fostered somehow and it is highly recommended.
Which kind of projects will be financed?
In order to be selected, projects will have to :
- Contribute to the achievement of the SDGs and the pillars “People” and “Planet” of the European Consensus on Development through awareness raising and youth engagement.
- Strengthen and support the partnerships for development grounded on the local dimension, among CSOs, LAs and young citizens
- Include among the activities a combination of campaigns, awareness raising, communication, global learning activities implemented according to the principles of constructive communication
- Focus on migration and/or climate change
- Include a gender perspective
Particular attention will be paid to projects which:
- Include cooperation with journalists/professional communicators/media/experienced communicators
- Involve actors/partners in partner countries or territories as defined in the OECD DAC list, involved in their proposed action in order to ensure the inclusion of multicultural points of view on the targeted issues.
Eligible/non-eligible activities: please refer to the complete Call for Proposal and the Financial Guidelines for Grantees
Financial allocation
The overall amount made available under this Call for Proposals is EUR 68.000
The EU contribution must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
Minimum amount: EUR 5.000
Maximum amount: EUR 15.000
Any grant requested under this Call for Proposals may not exceed the maximum percentage of 90% of the total eligible costs of the Action.
The remaining 10% of the Action budget must be co-financed by the lead applicant and co-applicant(s) following the same eligibility criteria for the expenses. The co-financed part of the budget cannot be funded by sources from the European Union Budget or the European Development Fund.
Learning and exchange cycle
Granted lead applicants and co-applicants will be part of a learning and exchange cycle, composed by:
- One online start-up seminar
- Online capacity building meetings
- One Mindchangers regional event in Craiova
The granted CSOs will benefit from technical support by COP staff throughout the implementation of their actions.
How to apply
Deadline for submitting application files is 16th September 2022
Notification of award: October 2022 at the latest
Project Implementation period: from 1st November 2022 to 31st December 2023
Financial report: before 16th February 2024
The application form must be submitted IN ENGLISH and must be sent to cop@ongpiemonte.it with all the documents requested, listed below:
- Application Form signed by the Legal Representative of the lead applicant (scanned PDF version)
- Budget formats (4 sheets printed, signed by the Legal Representative of the lead applicant and scanned in a PDF version)
- The official statutes of lead applicant and co-applicant(s) and the translation in English of parts of the statutes regarding: officially existing as a legal person, be non-profit-making, be established or based (headquarters or decentralised office) in the Dolj County, be working on sectors related to international cooperation and/or global citizenship education
- The approved Balance Sheets of the last 2 years of lead applicant and co-applicant(s)
- Brief Curriculum Vitae of the lead applicant and co-applicant(s) demonstrating to have carried out activities in the field of international cooperation, global citizenship education, awareness raising about SDGs, campaigning and communication for at least the last 2 years
Financial Guidelines for Grantees
Civil Society Organisations based in Dolj County, Romania, interested in participating to this Call for Proposal have the opportunity to participate to two Launch Seminars organised by COP-Consortium of Piedmont Ngos in order to present the Call, in June 2022.
To manifest their interest in participating to the seminars, CSOs are asked to fill in the following PARTICIPANT REGISTRATION FORM no later than 27th May 2022.
Mindchangers Launch Seminar – Dolj County, Romania
Consorzio delle Ong Piemontesi
Via Borgosesia 30, 10145 Torino, Italy
E-Mail: cop@ongpiemonte.it
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